My word for 2022 was "ALIGN". Many of you have seen this manifest in my life, from relocating to the Tetons, writing a book, refining my business and being inspired to create new offerings that are aligned with my soul. So this year, as I was intuitively tapping in, I knew that my word for 2023 is "EXPAND". So it made sense to say YES when I was selected to teach and present at the LA Yoga Expo this year.
Now let's fast forward to last Saturday. I’m at the convention center in Pasadena. There are a couple thousand people there (not sure of the exact number), and I'm leading a class of about 100 people through a gentle flow and Soul Alignment meditation. YES, this is my largest class yet, which is exciting! My second largest class was teaching corporate chair yoga to 66 people, 62 of which were men -- and manly men! They were electricians, and almost no one had ever done yoga before. Haha. This class was a first for me!
After almost 10 years of teaching, I know when I’m making an impact during a class. Now what I don’t know is, how big or small of an impact, and I guess it doesn’t really matter. It only matters that I do. Sometimes people report back to me, and I hear things like: "You helped me find the courage to quit my job." Or "You helped me get clarity on what my heart wanted." Or "You helped me understand the root cause of why I got cancer." Or "I don’t know what I would have done without you through the pandemic." Or even "Your class was the most love I’ve ever experienced." The list goes on. I appreciate hearing the ways in which I have had an impact in people's lives. Now, my impact on others is not because I am a trained therapist or a life coach. It is simply because I am deeply present with my class, whether I am teaching in the studio or online. I am able to tap in energetically, connect to my heart, and the hearts of others, holding space for healing. I often find myself channeling as I am speaking, or simply just sharing what’s in my heart. For me, there is no greater gift in this lifetime than to be able to connect deeply and feel the love that is present.
"There is no greater gift in this lifetime than to be able to connect deeply and feel the love that is present."
And if you don’t know this about me, I love deeply. I have accepted this as my gift in this lifetime. Yes I am tearing up as I write this, so you know it's true! Believe me when I say, I know in my heart, when I make an impact, because I can feel the LOVE. My class at the expo, was no exception. The love was strong and the energy in the room was powerful. I could see the tears. My intention for teaching at the expo was to make an impact on someone's life, or many people's lives. To be able to show up in this way is an honor and I was grateful for the opportunity to be in front of so many people.
I share this story with you today because as humans, we often loose sight of what's important. It wasn't about being in the spotlight or making sales. It was about making connections, touching hearts, and inspiring others to go deeper.
So this is my year to expand. To be in front of more people, to create deeper offerings, and to make an impact in as many lives as possible. I am honored to be of services. If you feel inspired by my words and want to go deeper, please reach out. Sign up for a free consultation. I am here to support you.